Beverly Basham DVM | Pioneer Animal Hospital Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer
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Beverly Basham, DVM


Dr. Basham considers herself a nearly full Oregonian following her first 13 years spent playing in the sand and seas of Hawaii. She is an Oregon City High School graduate from a “few” years back ;) GO PIONEERS! From OCHS she spent a wonderful four years in Corvallis studying microbiology, chemistry, and animal science before spreading her wings a bit further. She went out to the Midwest for 4 years to attend Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine and, once graduated, she considered striking out into other parts of the country but concluded she needed to return to the Pacific NW. Her roots in this beautiful part of the country, a love of outdoor adventures in the mountains, on the rivers, and along the coast as well as her family drew her back home. 

It was never a question (other than for a brief period in college when she thought about minoring in creative writing) for Dr. Basham that she would become a veterinarian. Her earliest memories involve taking care of orphaned or abandoned kittens and puppies that were sadly common in the area of Hawaii she lived, spending time at horse ranches in the mountains of Waimanalo, and observing the wildlife in the marshlands near her home. This combined with a natural interest and skill in a number of fields of science created a calling to the field of veterinary medicine from an early age.

Beverly Basham