Canine Vaccination Protocol
Canine Distemper DA2PP (Adenovirus-2, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
- 8 weeks of age (1st DA2PP Puppy Series)
- 10-12 weeks of age (2nd DA2PP Puppy Series)
- 14-16 weeks of age (3rd DA2PP Final Puppy Vac)
- 1 year later DA2PP Annual Booster
- Follow-up vaccine every 3 years.
Rabies - Given to all dogs as required by state and local law.
- 12 weeks of age 1st Rabies
- 1 year later Rabies Annual Booster
- Follow-up vaccines every 3 years.
Bordetella - Given to dogs exposed to other dogs (e.g. Grooming facilities, dog parks, dog kennels, dog daycare and type of travel away from the home)
- 8-12 weeks of age (1st Bordetella)
- 1 year later Bordetella
- Follow-up vaccines annually. If required by the facility may be given every 6 months.
Leptospirosis - Given to dogs that are outdoors for a moderate amount of time. (e.g. taken on walks or hikes, exposed to areas where wildlife can be.
- 10-12 weeks of age 1st Lepto
- 14-16 weeks of age 2nd Lepto
- 1 year later Lepto Annual
- Follow-up vaccines annually.
Canine Influenza H3N2/H3N8 - Given to dogs that are exposed to other dogs (e.g. Grooming facilities, dog parks, dog kennels, dog daycare)
- 10-12 weeks of age 1st Canine Influenza
- 14-16 weeks of age 2nd Canine Influenza
- 1 year later Canine Influenza Annual
- Follow-up vaccines annually.